Blogger Backgrounds

Monday, October 3, 2011


As this is my first ever blog entry I must warn you, I am not a prolific writer, a poet or a visionary, I am a 26 year old Technician who build electrical equipment, a father of one and a husband! For the past 3-4 years I have been bouncing around the idea of starting a blog. I have never been a journal writer but I thought "Hey I have some interesting perspectives and whatnot, people will wanna read my stuff" and whether that is true or a standard male egotistical view point of importance and self assurance I do not know lol.

So then the conversation came to subject matter! the defining point of the blog. I thought personally it would base around movies, sports, politics, food or phenomena. My Wife Shauna brought up a valid point though, why not write it as a Dad? Not just about what parenting is like for a younger male but also my life in general. There are so many great mothers blogs on the web but so few for us daddy's!

Well let me give you some background story to help you understand my life. My Wife is Shauna, She is a research assistant who works for the local university, She is 26 years old and is my rock.

Carrick is my son, he turns 11 months old in just a few short days! Every day he is my inspiration to live better, do better and be better than I did yesterday. He is the reason I sacrifice some personal joy and work at a job where they pay me more and respect me less, because at the end of the day the small sacrifices I make for him will come back around as I see him develop with as many advantages as possible.

My Sister Tamara is 30, and her Daughter (our godchild) Sophia is 5. They just moved across the country to come live with us. When it comes to family, especially when you dont have any within a 60 hour drive, the more the merrier!

So that is the immediate cast of characters in my life. I really hope that this can be a fun experience for everyone especially myself, and hey maybe down the road it offers a little insight to Carrick about who his daddy was at 26 years old!

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